Tuesday, November 30, 2010

In the beginning....

Ten by Fifteen. Measurements? Time Frame? What is this number you might ask.

Well, in the beginning I was going to create a blog dedicated to my journey of fitting into a size 10 by my 30th birthday, which is on the 15th of January. However I wanted to incorporate more than just that. Because really how many times can you read about the proper way of dieting and exercising? Lets face it, everyone is different and something that might work for me might not for you. I had plenty of different tries on eating healthy and after 10 years I think I finally found something.

But that’s not exactly what this blog is about. I wanted to keep the name because it was catchy, so then I had to think about what it would be about instead. And just like Emeril Lagasse it came to me like BAM!

Ten things I would hope to accomplish personally and professionally by 2015. Cool huh? Of course then I thought: do I have more professional goals than personal or split them evenly? So for now we’ll split them evenly. And in no particular order (well except for the first one), here they are:

1) Fit into a size 10 by the 15th of January (pers.)
2) Have a title that requires a business card (prof)
3) Conquer AFI’s ever-changing top 100 list of movies (pers.)
4) Produce a hit TV/cartoon show (prof.)
5) Win an Emmy or Golden Globe for said TV/cartoon show (prof)
6) Work for Disney Studios (prof.)
7) Catch up on the history of television for professional purposes. (prof.)
8) Own property (pers.)
9) Get married (pers.)
10) Adopt 2 kids (pers.)

So there you have it. This is my first blog so I’m not sure what the frequency of entries needs to be, however since I do talk to my self almost every day, I might as well just write it down for everyone to see.
