Sunday, December 26, 2010

It’s a bird, it’s a plane…

Goal number seven: catching up on the history of television for professional purposes. What I really meant to say was, Goal number seven: my large excuse for just sitting around and watching TV shows. As of this post I am full with Christmas dinner, at my aunts house in the quaint town of Los Gatos, and in the middle of season three of Smallville. I’m realizing this is about the point when I stopped watching it oh so long ago. So far I have almost cried when Christopher Reeve appeared as a guest star, when they pushed the limits of the characters when testing their relationships with each other, and realizing that I cannot marry Lex Luthor because he is a fictional character and ultimately turns really evil.

The show is growing on me; All I can think about it how I hope they never change the theme song. I’m invested in these people and what happens to them on the show. Part of me is really intrigued to watch what happens to Clark’s parents, Lana and Pete since I know from posters that only Chloe remains in the cast photo from the final season (or do they?).  I also am remembering the last time I watched a show series from beginning to end and how much more interesting the show was now that I didn’t have to wait a week to see the next episode, or wait for the hiatus to end.

As much TV as I watch and as many DVD’s I own, I do not own a single television series. It is such an extreme gamble to purchase a whole series unless you’ve already seen it. And if you haven’t seen it, why purchase it because someone recommended it? Just borrow their copy, said the consumer. Yet, there is a satisfaction of sitting around with someone who’s never seen the series. You have the enjoyment of watching it again and watching it with someone with a new perspective who is just as excited to see your favorite episodes, as you are to describe them.

I’ve watched Buffy and Angel back to back and thought they ended the series quite well. Did they jump the shark? Probably, however I wasn’t really looking out for that as much as I was looking for the story line to make sense and give the characters closure. Hopefully the same thing will happen Smallville, though a little birdie told me that around season seven the fins start lurking in the water…

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